The trees and shrubs on your New Jersey commercial property are defining factors of your landscape. They are the green ‘architectural features’ that add interest, texture and even tell stories—particularly with large-specimen trees that become property landmarks. To retain the integrity of trees and shrubs, regular pruning is essential for plant health, appearance, longevity and, above all, safety. 

When you partner with Neave Group Landscape Management for commercial tree and shrub pruning on your New Jersey property, we send a specialized team to your site with experience maintaining premium properties like yours. Here is how our tailored pruning and plant health care programs are designed to beautify, protect and enhance the plants on your New Jersey commercial property.

Tree & Shrub Maintenance. Often, we focus on regular mowing and edging but overlook other plant growth on the property—trees and shrubs. Keeping them neatly pruned and cut back for beauty and safety is essential. If you put off pruning, you could end up with costly tree damage or overgrown shrubs that are not healthy. Neave Group Landscape Management’s dedicated crews are specially trained in arbor and plant health so they can give you the ‘best cuts’ to benefit your New Jersey commercial landscape’s trees and shrubs. 

Safety Pruning. Branches that hang over walkways or parking spaces create a hazard and can be a real liability for New Jersey commercial property owners. Not to mention, branches that encroach on common areas look messy and are uninviting. Regular pruning to remove diseased, dying or compromised limbs minimizes your liability and reduces storm damage. 

Crown Reduction. Pruning back the crow of a tree can encourage healing and also redirect growth. Branches that become too heavy at the top of a tree cause stress. There’s a greater chance branches will break off and cause storm damage.  Crown reduction should be performed by an experienced tree crew like Neave Management’s arborists. Our priorities are trees’ integrity and health, and safety on your property. 

Directional and Formative Pruning. Branches that grow toward power lines or buildings require directional pruning. Young trees can be trained with formative pruning to grow in a desired shape, which can include preserving views or steering clear of walkways. Directional and formative pruning should be performed with care to preserve trees and shrubs. 

Vista Pruning (Special Events). Sometimes, pruning is necessary to reveal breathtaking views—especially if you are preparing for a special event on your New Jersey commercial property. Our expert plant health care specialists can advise on how to thoughtfully prune back trees and shrubs to expose attractive vistas for special occasions or every day. 

Go with the Pros. Trust the arborists at Neave Group Landscape Management for commercial tree and shrub pruning in New Jersey. We’ll care for existing trees, add new ones and ensure the safety of those who live, work and play on your property. 

Contact Neave Group Landscape Management in New Jersey for commercial lawn care at 201-591-4570, or fill out this simple form and we’ll get in touch with you.