It’s one of the most common questions in the turf care business: Is organic lawn care right for my commercial property?

It’s a great question. Everybody wants to do the best they can for the environment. But we also want our lawn to look great.

That’s an even bigger deal when you own a commercial property. Customers judge your business by the way it looks. And they want to know that when they walk across your grass, maybe with children in tow, they’re not coming in contact with anything that could harm their health.

But commercial properties have their own unique circumstances. Their lawns are typically larger than the ones at private homes. They also get a lot of foot traffic, which is prone to soil compaction.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of organic lawn care for a commercial property:

What Is Organic Lawn Care?

Organic lawn care is the practice of using all-natural methods to help promote and encourage the health of your turf. Organic fertilizer might consist of dehydrated manure, dried blood, cottonseed or corn gluten meal, bone meal, grass clippings and kelp instead of synthetic fertilizers from a manufacturing plant. To grow your lawn organically, beginning with a soil test is essential. The test will analyze the soil pH, nutrient content, and other factors that may impact the growth of your lawn. With the test results, you can determine the best organic products to use, such as compost or natural fertilizers, to improve soil quality and promote healthy lawn growth.

What Are The Advantages Of Organic Lawn Care?

Proponents of organic lawn care can rattle off a long list of its advantages:

Slowly Feeds Turf

Organic lawn care treatments release nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous very slowly and the grassroots absorb them slowly and in small doses. As a result, your lawn will receive a slow, steady supply of nutrients that foster good, healthy growth. Harsh lawn care chemicals can burn your turf if applied incorrectly; however, organic fertilizers will not harm your lawn.

Water And Nutrient Retention

It improves the soil’s ability to hold water and nutrients. This is a plus if your property has sandy soil, as water drains quickly through sand after rain or watering.

Improves Compacted Soil

It creates an environment that worms and tiny organisms like. Those critters break down the soil so it gets more porous and crumbly, resulting in core aeration and better water infiltration. That means there’s more air in it that can help grassroots stay healthy. This helps with compacted soil, which can be a big problem for commercial properties with lots of foot traffic.

Reduced Groundwater Pollution

It doesn’t pollute groundwater. Chemical fertilizers can leach from the soil after a rainstorm and get into the groundwater. Because organic fertilizers release their nutrients slowly, this is less likely to happen.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Organic Lawn Care?

Not everyone thinks organic lawn care is the best plan. Here are a few reasons why:

The Impact Is Not Immediate

Organic lawn care doesn’t work as quickly as synthetic chemicals. As a result, you should be patient when waiting for your property to boast a lush green lawn.


It is more expensive, so you must account for that in your bottom line.

You Have To Apply More

Because organic fertilizers are slow-acting, you have to apply them early and often in the growing season so that plants get the nutrients they need at the right time.

Weeds May Continue To Be A Problem

There’s no highly-effective organic weed killer. So even if your patience has paid off in the form of a beautiful green lawn, weeds may continue to appear throughout the season. After removing weeds, it’s crucial to apply grass seed right away. This is because uprooting weeds can activate dormant weed seeds in the soil, potentially worsening your weed issue.

May Attract Animals

Animals are attracted to certain natural fertilizers. Dogs might want to roll in it or dig, especially if it contains blood meal or bone meal.

Is Organic Lawn Care Right For You? Ask Neave

Neave Commercial Lawn Maintenance has specialists on staff who know the pros and cons of organic lawn care and can help you make the right choice for your commercial property.

We’re proud to offer sustainable services that keep the environment in mind — perfect for the eco-friendly customer.

If you decide organic care isn’t for you, we also offer topnotch traditional lawn care. Our dedicated crews work efficiently and on schedule throughout the year, giving you a healthy lawn to keep your commercial property looking great.

Give Us A Call

Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our services. If you’re in the Hudson Valley, call us at (845) 463-0592. If you’re in Westchester County, call (914) 271-7996; from Connecticut, dial (203) 212-4800. Or, fill out our simple web form, and we’ll contact you about setting up your free consultation.