maintain your landscape maintenance budgetThe landscape budget for your commercial property should be set before spring. But sometimes, evaluating the budget is necessary so you can identify opportunities to get a greater return on investment or plan for future projects. Other times, a budget tightens up and you want to maintain the curb appeal of your property but need solutions to make the most of your commercial landscape maintenance budget. 

You’re not alone. 

You can keep your commercial landscape budget in check when you prioritize what maintenance services matter the most for your landscape via a site assessment—and choose to spend a little on regular maintenance vs. a lot on repairs and replacements later. Here are some pointers. 

Only Buy the Lawn Services You Need

Most landscape companies sell packages that include mowing, trimming, and other maintenance tasks. You choose the program and pay the price. The problem is, you could be buying lawn services your property doesn’t need. Or, you might be overlooking an important landscape maintenance service that will save you money down the road by preventing damage. So, how do you assure that you’re only paying for the landscape maintenance your commercial property actually needs? 

When a landscape professional conducts a site assessment, the goal is to identify areas of your property that need attention, flag potential issues, and highlight the strong points of your landscape so a customized program can be developed for your property. A lawn site assessment includes examining the turf, soil conditions, and plant health. Then, we create an action plan to help you achieve your goals. With a site assessment, you can focus your budget on priority landscape maintenance services while planning for future investments. 

Avoid Short-Cuts that Cost You More in the Long-Run 

Could you go without aerating your commercial property this year? Is overseeding really necessary—or can it wait? Since the landscape beds are well established, how important is plant health care since the trees, shrubs, and flowers look healthy? And, if you cut back on mowing every week would anyone really notice? 

You might be considering ways to reduce your expenses, and we understand. But time and again, we see clients who decide to cut back on vital landscape maintenance tasks regret the decision. While they might save a nominal amount “in the moment,” the long-term picture is not so great. For example, if you skip aeration then your lawn care program will not be as effective because turf will not efficiently absorb nutrients, water, and oxygen. In essence, you could be wasting money by fertilizing a lawn with heavy thatch. 

And, while you might be tempted to overlook plant health care because your landscape is mature, doing so exposes plants to possible disease and insect infestation. The cost of plant replacement is far more than maintaining plant health with a customized program. 

As for cutting back on a mowing schedule, we never recommend this—for two reasons. First, moving grass that is too tall can stress the turf, and a crew might have to double-cut the lawn, which takes more time (labor hours add up).  Also, your brand and curb appeal matters. If you allow your property to look sloppy in between services, people will notice. 

Make Room for Enhancements 

We know, this article is focused on making the most of your budget—so addressing additional expenses like property enhancements might seem off-topic. But actually, it’s a wise budgeting move to plan for the future. What landscape spaces on your commercial property might need attention this year? Will you need to replace some plants? Did you include mulch in the budget? (This is an annual must if you want to prevent weeds and protect your trees, shrubs, and flowers.) Do you want to add container plantings to an entryway so you can incorporate seasonal color wisely? If your landscape is aging, you might need to renovate high-traffic areas or spaces that are most visible. Plan today for tomorrow’s investments in your property. Discuss multi-phase projects with a landscape professional so you can break larger projects into financially manageable chunks. 

flower beds along commercial landscape

Trust Neave Management for Sound Advice & Quality Service 

We partner with commercial property owners who value their brands and understand that full-service landscape maintenance attracts customers and tenants. Your investment in the landscape can be protected with regular maintenance, and you’ll save money and avoid the expense of big-ticket items by keeping up with lawn care, mowing, and plant care. 

Schedule a free lawn site analysis today. Call us at 845-463-0592 in Hudson Valley, 914-271-7996 in Westchester, 203-212-4800 in Connecticut and 201-591-4570 in New Jersey. Or, fill out this simple form and we’ll get in touch with you.